Celebrating Clearwater
A Museum and Cultural Center for Clearwater, Florida
Capital Campaign Case Statement 2019
- Celebrating Clearwater’s Beginnings
- It Started With a House
- Building a Strong Foundation
- Moving Forward
- The People
- The Collection
- The Challenge – $6.9 million Capital Campaign
- Celebrating Clearwater Major Naming Program
- Partners, Collaborations & Supporters (Up to June 5, 2019)
- Prospects
- Accomplishments & Successes
- Donor Bill of Rights
- Capital Campaign Pledge Form
Celebrating Clearwater’s Beginnings
Fort Harrison was built in 1841 on the banks of Clear Water Harbor to provide recuperation for 500 soldiersafter the Seminole Indian Wars. Six months later it was abandoned. The Federal Armed Occupation Act of 1842 gave 160 acres to any man over 18 who would bear arms, if needed, and cultivate the land. James Stevens, Samuel Stevenson, James Parramore McMullen and his brothers took up the challenge. It was a humble beginning for Clearwater and while the landscape bears little resemblance today, the names remain as reminders of their courage and contribution. Generations of these founding families continue to make their home in Clearwater, retirees and tourists seek the warm climate and entrepreneurial developers have made their fortunes.
In 1912 Clearwater was chosen as the County Seat of the new Pinellas County and in 1957 was known as the fastest growing city in America. Remembering those who founded, established and contributed to shaping this worldwide destination is what drives the Clearwater Historical Society. It is a story to celebrate.
The Clearwater Historical Society, Inc., founded in 1978, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with a mission to Educate, Collect, Preserve, Exhibit and Promote the People, Culture and Events of Clearwater, Florida.For more than 40 years the Society has gathered and protected artifacts, records, photographs and documents in multiple locations waiting for a time and place to bring it all together. Watching neighboring museums in Palm Harbor and Dunedin launch major renovations and fundraising drives, grand openings and permanent exhibitions, inspired new possibilities. Public interest in the restoration and success of Clearwater’s Capitol Theater, that had stood vacant for years, demonstrated that impossible projects could happen.
Sitting on afive acre property in the heart of Clearwater, on the old South Ward Campus, the South Ward Elementary School is being renovated, restored and converted into a museum and cultural center for Clearwater. It is phase one of a multi-year project being undertaken by a dedicated group of volunteers. Scheduled for the first of many planned openings the public will enter its doors on June 15, 2019.
It Started With a House

The first permanent home for the Clearwater Historical Societywas the historic Plumb House, built in 1896. It now sits at Ed C. Wright Park. The house was donated by Dr. Nach, restored with support from the Clearwater Neighborhood Housing Services and dedicated in 1985. It served the society well as the initial Clearwater Museum but as the collection grew the limited space prompted dreams of a larger facility.
The closure of the South Ward Campus in 2008, where a century of students had passed through its doors, presented a challenge for the Pinellas County School Board. The School had sat idle for seven years when in 2015 Pinellas County School Board negotiated a 50-year lease agreement with the Clearwater Historical Society. It was an incrediblegift that ensured South Ward School’s memories would be perpetuated and the Clearwater Historical Society Museum and Cultural Center had the land and buildings to achieve their mission.
Support from the State of Florida, through a $500,000 grant, was directed to renovating the first public funded elementary school in Pinellas County, now called Heritage Hall. Built in 1906, the school had served the first young families in Clearwater and in 1912 was joined by building #2, the first Clearwater High School. The 1950-60’s saw a third major project add a cafeteria, kindergarten and media center. At one time theSouth Ward Campus was the hub of learning and community gathering, from young children to civic leaders.
Theyears the campus stood vacant had unfortunately left the buildings in various degrees of deterioration, damage and vandalism. Wildlife, squatters and tropical storms had taken their toll. The scope of work to restore and revive the once thriving campus was daunting but one the Clearwater Historical Society volunteers embraced. The campus was an integral part of Clearwater’s history and their heritage, not to be forgotten.
Building a Strong Foundation
With the South Ward Elementary project underway the Board participated in the Museum Assessment Program (MAP), a national voluntary program to help museums build their foundation, strengthen their operations, plan for the future and meet industry standards. It was a comprehensive review and prepared them for the strategic planning process. MAP Peer Reviewer Robert Forloney, Cultural Institution Consultant, interviewed board members who shared their hopes while acknowledging the tremendous work ahead of them to achieve their collective dream. One of the main objectives was defining their mission …to educate, collect, preserve, exhibit and promote the people, culture and events of Clearwater’s rich past.
“This ambitious undertaking should make a significant contribution to downtown Clearwater in regards to both heritage tourism as well as a source of local knowledge.”
– Robert Forloney, MAP Peer Reviewer
The final MAP report recommended pursuing several initiatives: a strategic plan, an interpretive or collections plan, a technology plan, and a human resources plan. In addition, it was recommended that neighboring museums, community leaders and stakeholders be invited to share expertise, experiences and opportunities. The report provided a snapshot of the organization with recommendations for Interpretation & Education, Collections Stewardship, Administration, Finance, Fundraising and Governance. It was timely information that reinforced accomplishments, identified assignments and prioritized tasks. The work had just begun.
Moving Forward
A leadership change in 2017 marked a new direction for CHS. The project was well underway, committees were formed and they started addressing the MAP recommendations, their first priority being a Strategic Plan to guide them.
CHS Strategic Plan
- Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the CHS
- Create effective and robust programming for all ages
- Strengthen the focus of collections
- Increase the number and types of interactive exhibits
- Revitalize the image of CHS
- Develop and Launch a Capital
- Campaign to restore the South Ward Campus and its buildings.
The People
The CHS Board of Directors is a blend of professional community leaders who have been recruited for their talent, passion and connections, and founders who have been involved in the organization since inception. Some are descendants of the earliest settlers in Clearwater, others, lovers of history and community preservation.
Together they have taken on an enormous challenge, learning along the way, what needs to be accomplished to turn their vision into a reality. They are facing their first major fundraising campaign to restore the whole of South Ward Campus, its numerous buildings and acreage for future generations.
The Board of Directors 2019
- Allison Dolan– President
- Sam McClelland – Vice-President
- Jeanne Holmquist – Secretary
- Susan Raineri–Treasurer
- Bill Wallace– Past President
- Ryan Ballogg, Liz Jones Childress,
- Lila Grant, Buddy Gross, David
- Knupp, LorileiKeif, Chuck
- McPherson, Suz Carter Priest, Dean
- Robinson and Mike Saunders, Emeritus
Social media has drawn a growing team of volunteers to work on the South Ward Campus project, each contributing and doing their part to make the first public opening a success. Some are preparing plans for exhibits, ensuring artifacts and archives are interpreted appropriately. Others are cleaning walls, power-washing pathways or painting. Some are answering inquiries, others conducting oral histories. Many have rolled up their sleeves to turn the 5-acre property into an inviting space, removing weeds, broken concrete, litter and overgrown bushes, or spreading rock and mulch. It has been back breaking work in the hot sun but with each day victories are celebrated and progress is evident.
The Collection
Dating back to the mid 1800’s the collection has been kept safe for over forty years, in private homes and the Plumb House. The true scope of artifacts and archival materials is now being realized as volunteers and historians unpack each box. News of the openingis promptingdonor interest and Facebook appeals have resulted in donations or loans. It is the beginning of a generous flowto the permanent collection as South Ward Campus was an integral part of the community and generations of alumni, their children and grandchildren have treasures to share.
Highlights of the Collection
Clothing & Textiles
Documents, Maps, Advertisements, Posters and Billboards
Equipment – Home, Business, Auto and Marine
George Fulmer Photographic Collection
J. ArlosOgg Photographic Collection, Photographs
Home & Kitchen Goods
Home & Retail Store Furnishings
School Memorabilia, Team Sports, Yearbooks, Signage
Civil War & WW Veteran Memorabilia
The Challenge – $6.9 million Capital Campaign
Celebrating Clearwater is a five- year capital campaign to raise $6.9 million to revive the South Ward Campus to become the Clearwater Historical Society Museum and Cultural Center.
Imagine June 15, 2024. CHS is celebrating its 5th Anniversary. The restored buildings and acreage are drawing record numbers of visitors eager to discover the unique history of Clearwater and the County Seat of Pinellas County. The five acres are bursting with activity, events and learning opportunities as the campus has become the largest museum in northern Pinellas County. Permanent and travelling exhibitions, programs for adults and children, research facilities for scholars, students and visitors, and signature historic and entertaining events are ongoing. The cultural center welcomes members, guests and the greater community as a state of the art meeting, conference and event venue. The expansive and landscaped park hosts outside event space for the museum and community events. Abundant parking offers visitors accessible spaces for cars, RV’s, buses and deliveries. It has become a destination worthy of its history, people and community.
To accomplish this vision takes time, talent and treasure! The Clearwater Historical society has a dedicated board with boundless energy, a great following of volunteers, community leaders anxious to help, a growing membership, close to 2,000 Facebook followers and a century of alumni to draw upon. The State of Florida grant investment of $500,000 laid the financial foundation to get things started. Services and product donations ensure the June 15, 2019, Public Opening, will be a grand occasion and guests inspired to embrace the project.
The pre-campaign commenced with the State of Florida grant of $500,000 to restore Heritage Hall leaving $6.4 million to raise to complete the total South Ward project.
6.4 million left to raise!
The Campaign will be launched in late 2019 with a community campaign.
Phase 1 – $1.5 million – Completion of restoration and interior Exhibitions of Heritage Hall
Phase 2 – $2.7 million– Restore and renovate the former Kindergarten & Cafeteria
Phase 3 – $2.2 million – Restore and renovate the former first Clearwater High School.
A Capital Campaign Committee is currently in the quiet phase of the campaign securing commitments and pledges. An extensive Major Naming Program offers opportunities to name the buildings, the outside areas and permanent exhibitions.
Celebrating Clearwater Major Naming Program
Goal $6.4 Million
The naming program identifies provides opportunities for lasting legacies and community involvement.
$5 Million
Name the Heritage Hall
Name the former Clearwater High School
Name the Cultural Center – Event and Conference Center
Name the South Ward Campus Park and Parking Lot
Name the Former Cafeteria – Catering Kitchen and Reception Hall
$2 Million
Name the former Kindergarten – Small Meeting Room
Name the Former Cafeteria – Catering Kitchen and Reception Hall
$1 Million
Name the Theater
Name an Elevator
Name the Teachers Lounge
Name the Archives
Name a Permanent Exhibit
Name an Exhibition Hall
Name the Kindergarten Garden
Name the Café
Name the Bar
Name a Classroom
Name a Pathway
Name the Gift Shop
Name an outdoor Gazebo
Name an outside area – Butterfly garden
Name a lobby or hallway
Name a revolving exhibit
Name the Administration Area
$5,000 to 25,000
Name on Exterior Walls, Name on the Permanent Tribute Wall
$1,000 -$5,000
Choose from equipment, furnishings, technology, audio visual equipment. Name on Permanent Tribute Wall
These capital campaign gifts will directly support the building of the Clearwater Historical Society Museum & Cultural Center and may be customized for each individual donor. All gifts are fully tax deductible and may be pledged over a period of five years, with naming secured upon full payment. All donors will be recognized in the Tribute Wall and at the location of their named gift.
Partners, Collaborations & Supporters (Up to June 5, 2019)
Abe’s Place ● Abbey Carpet ● Accute Lines ● All LED Lighting ● Brent Armstrong ● Aurora Lighting ● Ryan Ballogg ● Belleview Inn ● Bestway Landscaping ● Tom Bowers ● Zeb Buffman ● CG Machinery ● Suz Carter Priest ● Christian Windows ● Christine Clay ● City of Clearwater ● Clearwater Brewing Company ● Clearwater Chamber of Commerce ● Liz Childress ● Clearwater Garden Club ● Clearwater Main Library ● Research Library ● Clearwater Marine Aquarium ● Clearwater Police Department ● Clearwater Sister Cities ● The Curtis Museum ● Allison & Larry Dolan ● Dunedin History Museum ● Eagle Scouts ● Echo Blueprint ● First Choice Paints ● Fleischman Garcia Architecture ● Tom & Ellie Fox ● Frances Wilson Playhouse ● Friends of the Clearwater Library ● Shirley & Bob Galatas ● Lila Grant ● Buddy Gross ● Linda & David Hamilton ● Chuck Hanson ● CeAnne Hayes ● Heritage Village Museum ● Hillcrest Garden Club ● Beth & Tyler Holmberg ● Jeanne & Brian Holmquist ● Lorelei Kief ● Lowes Clearwater ● Lowes Heroes Project ● Maire Security ● Sam & Anita McClelland ● McMullen Roofing ● Lisa Milshap ● Chuck McPherson ● Palm Harbor Museum ● Palm Pavilion ● Jody Patzer ● Pestguard ● Pilot Moon Films ● Pinellas County ● Susan & Tony Raineri ● Rotary Club of Clearwater ● Janet Randell ● Bobby & Maria Smith ● Smith’s Fence ● Specialized Property ● TALK, LLC ● Tampa Bay Magazine ● Bill Wallace ● White Glove Cleaning ● Susan Whitehurst Allen
The Celebrating Clearwater Campaign invites Clearwater natives, neighbors, former residents, new residents, current and former businesses and friends of the Clearwater Historical Society to help preserve a century of history and memories forged by founding families, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The South Ward Campus was a part of daily life for decades leaving a long legacy of Alumni who now make up the fabric and culture of Clearwater and around the nation. It is anticipated that these individuals and their families will embrace the restoration of the campus and the celebration of their personal story.
We invite you to consider being a partner in preserving our history and celebrating Clearwater!
Clearwater Historical Society Museum and Cultural Center
610 Fort Harrison Ave. Clearwater FL, 33756
Mail: PO Box 175, Clearwater FL 33757
Phone: 727-754=8019
Email: clearwaterhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Web: ClearwaterHistoricalSociety.org
Facebook & Instagram: #clearwaterhistoricalsociety
Accomplishments & Successes
- Hosted two successful Fish Fry’s annually for 35 years
- Secured 50-year lease for South Ward Campus
- Achieved $500,000 State of Florida Grant
- Achieved $28,000 State of Florida Grant
- Commenced Phase 1 of the South Ward Campus
- Renovated, updated and made ADA Compliant
- Heritage Hall, Media Center and Restrooms
- Landscaped and cleared 5 acres
- Created an outdoor patio and entertainment area
- Converted smaller buildings to Archives, Office and Maintenance
- Secured Mulberry Alley Sign
- Participated in MAP Assessment
- Developed new Mission and Vision
- SWOT Analysis
- Completed 5 year Strategic Plan
- Case Statement – Celebrating Clearwater
- Prepared 5 year Projected Annual Budget, Income & Expenses
- Prepared 5 year Capital Needs and Expenses
- Preparing a comprehensive Annual and Capital
- Campaign
- June 15th Opening Celebration
Donor Bill of Rights
The Board of Directors of the Clearwater Historical Society declare that all donors have these rights:
I. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
II. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
III. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
IV. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
V. To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
VI. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
VII. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
VIII. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
IX. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
X. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
XI. To know that their name and contact information will not be shared except in circumstances that would support Clearwater Historical Society goals to Educate, Collect, Preserve, Exhibit and Promote the People, Culture and Events of Clearwater’s rich past.
The Clearwater Historical Society Donor Bill of Rights is based on the Donor Bill of Rights created by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (AAFRC), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). It has been endorsed by numerous organizations.