Are you interested in educating, collecting, preserving, exhibiting and promoting the people, culture and events of Clearwater’s rich past? Then join our growing group of CHS Volunteers who make this happen.
We welcome your skills and talents to host gallery events, create exhibits, welcome guests and visitors, promote and research local history, help in the office and tend the garden.
If you have any of the following skills and are looking for something to do, we want to hear from you!
• Art/Exhibit Design
• Board/Committee/Leadership
• Carpentry/Construction
• Computers & Technology
• Data entry & Office Work
• Education/Training/Facilitation
• Fundraising/Special Event
• Gardening/Landscaping
• Grant Writing
• Newsletter/Writing/Editing
• Non-profit
• Museum Docent
To get started volunteering please download and fill out this Volunteer Form (PDF).
We look forward to hearing from you!